Minor Cuts & Burns

Minor cuts and burns can happen to anyone at any time. You could be making dinner and a moment of distraction results in a cut from your kitchen knife, or a burn thanks to your stovetop. When they do happen, minor cuts and burns are usually nothing more than an inconvenience that’s expected to heal after a while. However, small cuts and burns can also be scary and may escalate into more significant problems if not handled properly.
Dr. Sayyed provides treatment for minor cuts and burns in Burr Ridge, La Grange, Hinsdale, Chicago, to enable you to start the healing process as well as prevent infection and complications. If you’ve sustained a minor injury, call us right away. We will move mountains to see you on the same day.
First-Aid Measures for Minor Cuts and Burns
The immediate steps you take after sustaining a minor cut or burn are critical in ensuring you heal correctly and on time. Here at Dr. Sayyed, we advise our patients to administer the following first aid measures in the event of a cut or burn.
For minor cuts:
Wash your hands first, so you don’t cause an infection. If you’re nowhere near clean water and soap, use hand sanitizer.
Apply pressure on the cut using a gauze pad or clean cloth to stop the bleeding.
Once you’ve got the bleeding under control, use saline wound wash or cold running water to clean the cut. Clean the area surrounding the wound, as well.
Don’t get soap, iodine or hydrogen peroxide into the wound, as any of these substances can irritate the cut.
Use a pair of sterile or disinfected tweezers to get rid of any debris, such as glass from the cut.
Use a bandage, if the wound is located at a part of your body that’s prone to getting dirty, such as your hands. Make sure to change the bandage every day.
For burns:
Run cold water over the burned area for at least five minutes to reduce inflammation.
Use an ointment, such as aloe vera cream, to soothe the affected part.
Wrap a gauze bandage loosely over your burn.
Take pain-relief medication, if necessary.
Minor cuts and burns typically respond well to these first aid measures, and you may not need further treatment. However, some cases call for a doctor’s additional care. For instance, if your cut was sustained when you were tinkering with rusty or old metal sheets, you might want to get a tetanus shot to avoid complications later on.

When to See a Doctor
For your minor cuts and burns if any of the following statements ring true:
You’ve sustained a burn on your face, feet, hands, or a critical joint, such as your shoulders or knees.
The pain gets worse instead of improving after a while.
You notice pus oozing from the burned area.
As mentioned before, book an appointment if you sustained your cut from a rusty or dirty object.
You’re unable to stop the bleeding.
You’ve sustained a cut on your face or near a joint.
You have a fever.
You’ve noticed signs of inflammation on the skin near the cut.
You’ve started to experience numbness in the injured area.
Have you cut your finger or burned your foot and are looking for immediate care for minor cuts and burns near you? Call Dr. Sayyed today.